The Dollar fell to 55.25 against Indian rupee.On the other hand euro gains against the dollar on tuesday.Euro fell to session low on last tuesday due to change in investors but this tuesday since the German constitutional court has agreed to deliver its ruling on the euro zone's rescue fund it has reached four-month high against dollar.Indian rupee also strengthened on tuesday(11.9.2012) because of the announcement from the ministry of oil that fuel price should be raised.Asian Market was almost down on tuesday because of the awaited meeting of US Federal reserve policy committee.
Will the Fed launch QE3??? This has become the major question among many countries,since this affects the dollar value to a greater extent.Upcoming week's progression on EUR/USD mainly depends on the QE3 and also the German Constitutional court's ruling enabling bailouts,if surprisingly the bailouts are rejected it would send euro a hundred points lower.
If the Spanish aid request is made in this week and eventually approved will lead to the bond buying .These decisions which are about to be taken in this week are about decide about the market.They are expected to rock the Market.....
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